Grant Evaluation Guidelines
UPDATED MAY 2023 (Download PDF of Procedures & Guidelines)
The following criteria are utilized to assess grant applications for recreation board funding. They are guidelines only and the Board retains the right of final grant approval on a case by case basis regardless of these guidelines.
Proposal priorities are as follows:
Priority One: 40 points or more
Priority Two: 35 – 39 points
Priority Three: 30 – 34 points
Priority Four: 25 – 29 points
Priority Five: 24 points or less
SECTION ONE: Each of the following criteria shall be evaluated on a scale from one to four where alternative (a) is worth four points, (b) is worth three points, (c) is worth two points, (d) is worth one point, and (e) is worth zero points unless otherwise noted.
1. This project or activity will serve:
(a) All ages - 4 points
(b) Any other limited age group (for example: ages 18 – 54, preschool, school age, senior citizen) - 2 points
2. This project or activity will serve:
(a) More than 100 people
(b) 50 – 99 people
(c) 25 – 49 people
(d) 24 people or less
3. Monies received from Never Sweat Recreation Board grants during the past calendar year equal:
(a) Less than $5,000.00
(b) $5,000.00 - $10,000.00
(c) $10,000.00 - $15,000.00
(d) More than $15,000.00
4. Utility of the project or activity:
(a) Year round, annual, or ongoing benefit
(b) 8 – 11 month benefit
(c) 5 – 7 month benefit
(d) 1 – 4 month benefit
(e) Less time – zero points
5. Where will the funds be spent?
(a) Dubois
(b) Fremont County
(c) Wyoming
(d) Out of state
SECTION TWO: Each of the following criteria shall receive four points for an affirmative answer and zero points for a negative one.
1. The applicant has used public input in the planning of this project and evidence of public input/participation is included.
____________ yes ____________ no
2. The project or activity fulfills a documented need within the recreation district boundaries (Fremont County School District No. 2).
____________ yes ____________ no
SECTION THREE: Scoring for the following criteria shall be based upon a four-point value for (a), two points for (b), and zero points for (c).
1. The applicant has coordinated this project with other public or certified agencies providing for joint utilization of the project or activity. A written agreement exists between the agencies.
(a) Both coordination and a written agreement
(b) Coordination only
(c) No coordination
2. The activity or event is:
(a) Directly related to recreation
(b) For maintenance, infrastructure, or support to recreation
(c) Not directly related to recreation
3. The applicant’s previous projects have commenced and culminated in a timely manner.
(a) All have or there are no previous grants to compare
(b) Most have
(c) Most have not
4. The project or activity proposal’s preparation and documentation was:
(a) Complete containing application forms, accompanying maps, graphs, charts, or other pertinent information. The application contained categorical cost estimates, appropriate signatures, and any additional information which assists the Board in determining the value of the proposal.
(b) Incomplete and follow-up documentation was necessary to complete the required
(c) Not provided and extensive follow-up was necessary to obtain pertinent information.